A  Joseph Newton Horine Family Portrait, ca. 1891
A Joseph Newton Horine Family Portrait, ca. 1891
Position your mouse over a family member to link to information about each family member.

The Horine Family History is a compilation of information gathered over the past 60+ years by Mr. Paul G. Horine, Darla (Horine) Jones, John David Barrett, Eric T. Davis, Karen Montgomery, and many other contributors.

Horine Family History Home Page | Tree Outline of Horine Generations
J3 Joseph Newton Horine (1859-1905) K1 Anna E Horine (1886-1887) Mary Ellen Hemp, wife of Joseph Newton Horine (1863-1933) K4 Alva Baxter Horine (1890-1970) K2 Eva Pearl Horine (1887-1919) K3 Harrison Leonard Horine (1889-1953)