Steubenville Daily Gazette Tuesday, March 7, 1922 Front Page & Page 10 PROMINENT WOMAN DIED EARLIER TODAY Mrs. W. B. Donaldson Passes Away After a General Breakdown. CITY MOURNS HER LOSS Was a Woman of Remarkable Disposition and Achievement |
At an early hour this morning, the angel of death came to the home of one of Steubenville's oldest and most highly respected women and called her home. It was 3:00 a. m. when the sweet spirit that had animated the person of Emelda Junkin Donaldson left its home of clay and passed into the realm of rest that is prepared for all who love the Master. Her passing was peaceful and sweet. She gently fell asleep, no more to waken till the dawn of life's fadeless morning when all she loved shall live again. She was the daughter of Mathew Oliver and Rebecca Buchanan Junkin, pioneer residents of this city. She came of Revolutionary stock on both sides of her house. Both her grandfathers were soldiers of the Revolution and she was doubly a D. A. R. She became the wife of W. B. Donaldson in 1861, and was a war bride, her husband being actively enganed in the service. Mr. Donaldson was an elder in Westminster church at the time of his death, and Mrs. Donaldson held the honorable position of deaconess in Westminster church at the time of her death. Mrs. Donaldson was a member of the Bible society and saw fit to it that every soldier who entered the service during the world war had his Bible. She was an active member of the original Woman's Aid Society that ministered to the soldiers of the Civil War, and was a charter member of the Woman's Relief Corps that was organized later, and has done such noble work for the veterans of the war of 1861. She was a loyal member of the W. C. T. U. and labored all her life in the cause of temperance. Mrs. Donaldson was a charter member of the D. A. R. and was chief organizer of this order in this community. Mrs. Donaldson was the first president of the Woman's Club of this city and was always deeply interested in everything that pertained to the civic and religious affairs of her home city and that interest never lagged. She was active till the end. Physically weakened in body her spirit was young and remained till her last hour. For over half a century, she had been prominent in church and social life in Steubenville. Next to her home, her deepest interest was in her church and she was active throughout the years in every organization and department of the church she loved so well. In the old Second Presbyterian Church, she established the "cradle roll" and in the merger of the First and Second churches, she was made the superintendent of the cradle roll in Westminster, and has never lost interest in the little "lambs of the fold". In missionary work she was one of the pioneers, and for over fifty years was secretary and treasurer of the Women's Society and is still honorary treasurer of Auxiliary No. 1 in Westminster Church. The following are left to mourn her loss: Two daughters, Mrs. Dohrman J. Sinclair, and Mrs. H. H. Henderson; six grandchildren, Mrs. Garret B. Levah, now sojourning in France; Frank Dohrman Sinclair, Dohrman J. Sinclair, Catherine Sinclair, Catherine Henderson, Harriet Henderson; two great grand children also survive. Garrett B. Levan, Jr., and Dohrman Sinclair Grant. Mrs. Donaldson was the last of her family. Her zeal and activities in church work have been an inspiration to many, that increase their labors in the Master's work. Her life of service and unwavering faith will be a precious heritage to those who knew and loved her, and in laying down life's burdens we can rest assured that she has indeed "passed from death unto life."
The Joseph Junkin Family Tree is a collection of information gathered by
Eric & Liz Davis,
Mary Eleanor Bell,
Alice Erma Bell,
Margaret A. Killian,
Laura Gayle Junkin,
Winston Ray Norris,
Joyce Ann Junkin,
Barbara Ann Millner,
and many others.
The html version was initiated by Eric and Elizabeth Fisher-Davis in 1998
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